Hey, Who’s In Charge Here?

Hey, Who’s In Charge Here?

It seems like many, if not most of us, have a skewed, if not extreme, view of who or what is in control in this world. It’s either this deity, that deity, those deities, the upper echelons of humanity, all of humanity or nobody. 

Is there no balance? No allotment of rewards and responsibilities?

Many non-believers feel that an all powerful and all controlling God cannot possibly exist because of the atrocities of nature and of mankind. God must be a made up fictional character because a real and loving Creator would never allow horrible things to happen to us.

So in a juxtaposition of thought, non-believers choose to believe that humans really are in complete control. If we could just get that superstitious concept of God out of our minds, peace on earth would soon prevail. As if by placing our faith entirely upon the shoulders of humanity, the horrors – created by mankind in the first place – would just ironically go away.  

On the other hand, many believers tend to think that the world is ruled totally by Satan and his dark forces. Mass shootings, car accidents, earthquakes, floods, injuries, disease… are all due to the schemes of the devil and his legion. We mere mortals are all at the mercy of malevolence. But one day, after a lifetime of standing firm and resisting the temptations of evil – the good will depart from this world, return to heaven and leave this realm to its demons.

But this doesn’t make sense either since good things exist on this earth too. Why not fight for good? Why just give up? Both good and evil coexist here so the devil can’t be in complete control.

What believers, non-believers and neutral observers alike seem to overlook are the concepts of fate and destiny and most importantly, human free-will.

Fate is the deck cards you’re dealt, where you landed in the world, at no choice of your own – your gender, genetic dispositions, nationality, ethnicity, social status, intelligence level, eye color, hair color, etc. Originally, our fate was one of a secure utopia – to be completely looked after by a loving and powerful Creator and spending an eternity with Him in paradise. However, at some point, the concept of free-will was introduced. We wanted choices. We didn’t want to be controlled. We wanted to be “god-like” free souls. We wanted to be more like God. We wanted to be creators.

Our destiny is our free-will in action. Sure, maybe fate dealt us worse cards than it dealt others, but free-will means doing the very best that we can with what we do have.

But, that still doesn’t explain why some people have to suffer so much and have so very little. However, keep this in mind – “… it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.” -Matthew 19:19. Not that it’s impossible for a wealthy person to go to heaven. It’s just that with worldly wealth, comes worldly security. God isn’t needed… so God isn’t called upon. Ironically, those who have the fewest worldly possessions, also tend to be those most faithful to God. 

Also, “For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required.” -Luke 12:48. There are plenty of people who are way better off than you are, but there are even more who have much much less. This is why God expects those who have more to do more with what they have – to use all resources in a positive manner, improving the world for everyone, including the less fortunate. Yes that probably means you. I know it means me. Fortune and freedom aren’t meant to be free. They come with great responsibilities. We were created with free-will, not a free ride.

In many ways, God controls our fate, but we control our own destinies. There’s no one entity in charge, nor is it a free-for-all. Maybe we can stop arguing. It seems we are all somewhat right, at least as far as I can tell.

Bottom line – do your best within the boundaries of your unique circumstances and capabilities. Live life with graciousness, understanding, charity, mercy and gratitude. Be thankful for your experiences in this life – both good and bad – especially the bad. Overcoming trials and obstacles is what makes us stronger, wiser, more understanding, more loving, more resourceful, more creative and more… like our Creator.

God Bless.

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